World Time Clock and Call Planner for Windows

In June of 2025, Microsoft is discontinuing its low-cost Bing maps API that was been available for use by free Windows apps. Unfortunately, the developer cannot afford to pay the high cost of the replacement enterprise mapping service offered by Microsoft. So, reluctantly, after over ten years World Time Clock and Call Planner has been pulled from the Microsoft Windows app store.

If you are a Windows application developer with a license to a mapping service/API and would like to update World Time Clock and Call Planner and distribute this fine software, please reach out to Alan at: .
I would be happy to discuss providing you with the source code so the application can countinue to live.

The follow description of this prize-winning appplication (that is no longer available), is provided for historical purposes.

That business call you have to make to Tokyo – when it’s 9 AM Thursday, Tokyo time, what time is it for you? And what day? Does Japan use daylight savings time? Skip the tedious calculations - get an instant readout of the date and time for selected cities worldwide with World Time Clock.

See times for important places on your start menu/screen or in your personal list

With Windows 10, you don’t even have to open the app to check the current time in the places that are most relevant to you. Just pin your favorite cities to your start menu/screen to create live clock tiles. (Sadly, live time tiles are not available on Windows 11.)

   Live start screen tiles show day and time without opening the app.

"My Cities" is your personal list of places.

   My list of favorite cities (click to enlarge) with the actions menu showing.

Why this app is different: Simple to use and more functionality for planning calls

  • Our straightforward “Call Planner” gives you an easy-to-read chart of simultaneous times in selected cities for upcoming relevant dates. Utilities that show conversions only for the current time/date will not give you everything you need. World Time Clock will.
  • Don't know the country or international dialing code for where you’re calling? Other time zone utilities just give you the time. We provide international/country calling codes for each location. We're thinking about what you need to do with this app, we're not just thinking about time zones
  • Don’t get stuck with just a list view or just a time zone map. We give you the flexibility to see your information on a map, in your list of favorites, or in the call planning chart.

The Call Planner grid make is easy tofind a good day and time to call distant places (click to enlarge).

Why World Time Clock will simplify your life

  • Huge variations in daylight savings time (a.k.a. summer time) policies in different countries and states have caused missed calls, unnecessary conflict, and even military problems. We worked hard to build knowledge of daylight savings time policies into World Time Clock. So don’t strain your brain – use this app.
  • Great usability. You deserve to get your work done without frustrations. Reflected Sun’s software is designed with people in mind, to be quick and easy to use. Our primary software developer’s decades of work in user interface design mean that our applications are developed from the ground up with your experience at the heart.
  • We know what problems an app like this needs to solve. In a previous business, our customers and sub-contractors were spread across the globe. Coordinating communication was critical to operational success.


  • Choose your own cities, without having to wade through long lists of places you don't care about. You can add cities that are important to your list of favorites
  • Examine city details to know when time changes between standard time and summer time (daylight saving time) will occur during the upcoming year.
  • Uncertain about how to spell “Arkhangel’sk”? Don’t worry, with our smart “fuzzy” lookup system, you can find unfamiliar spellings in a flash.
  • Calling a small town that isn’t in the built-in database of major cities and capitals? No problem. Just click on the map to find the nearest city in the region of interest.

Related Information:

Time infomation displayed on a map (click to enlarge)

Expanded city details and time zone information (click to enlarge)