World Time Clock and Call Planner for Windows
In June of 2025, Microsoft is discontinuing its low-cost Bing maps API that was been available for use by free Windows apps.
Unfortunately, the developer cannot afford to pay the high cost of the replacement enterprise mapping service offered by Microsoft.
So, reluctantly, after over ten years World Time Clock and Call Planner has been pulled from the Microsoft Windows app store.
If you are a Windows application developer with a license to a mapping service/API and would like to update World Time Clock and Call Planner
and distribute this fine software, please reach out to Alan at:
I would be happy to discuss providing you with the source code so the application can countinue to live.
The follow description of this prize-winning appplication (that is no longer available), is provided for historical purposes.
That business call you have to make to Tokyo – when it’s 9 AM Thursday, Tokyo time, what time is it for you?
And what day? Does Japan use daylight savings time? Skip the tedious calculations -
get an instant readout of the date and time for selected cities worldwide with World Time Clock.
See times for important places on your start menu/screen or in your personal list
With Windows 10, you don’t even have to open the app to check the current time in the places that are most relevant to you.
Just pin your favorite cities to your start menu/screen to create live clock tiles. (Sadly, live time tiles are not available on Windows 11.)
"My Cities" is your personal list of places.